
Thursday, 8 September 2016

Financial literacy #4 and Last sesson

Today we had our 4 and last lesson with Hannah and Kelsey our Financial literacy Teachers, it was very fun because we did lots of exercises with them also some skits to act out. Today's lesson was based on Risks in our lives. So first we talked a little bit about Insurance and also different kinds of Insurances. So after that talk we had to split into groups and each group had a Insurance to cover, our one was Life Insurance. So we had a piece of paper to write down what does that Insurance help you.After that we had to go in front of the class and say all the things that was on your paper. Soon after all the groups said what was on there paper we all moved on to a fill in sheet, the sheet was about the types of Insurances BTW. Next we cheeked it then moved on to the next and last fill in sheet. But we had to take it home to show to our parents. After that they went back to there places. I learnt heaps of new things about Financial literacy all thanks to Hannah and Kelsey. PEACE!! #Financial literacy  

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Danni Stone said...

Hi Alfred, I am very impressed that you have taken time to share this learning. This will be really helpful for you in the future as you will be able to return to these posts and be reminded of what you have learnt.

Danni Stone said...

Hi Alfred, I am very impressed that you have taken time to share this learning. This will be really helpful for you in the future as you will be able to return to these posts and be reminded of what you have learnt.

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